Sean's 42nd Birthday Surprise!

Sean's 42nd birthday is February 25, 2013 and YOU can help him celebrate!

We will be collecting birthday cards to bundle together and send to Sean. We need you to provide the cards.

But shhhh! It's a surprise! Let your friends and fellow Sean fans know by sending them the link to this page, but be careful not post in any place where Sean may see it. Please do not use his full name or Twitter handle in tweets.

Here are the guidelines for card submission. Please read them carefully before participating.

  • Cards may be handcrafted or purchased. Show your creativity!! You can include photos, drawings, stories, poems, etc. Feel free to be heartfelt, but please do not include anything inappropriate as his daughters may see the cards.
  • Maximum size is 8 1/2" x 11" and minimum size is 3" squared.
  • Do not include anything heavy, bulky, breakable or scented.
  • All pieces of the card must be attached together securely (e.g., photos and pictures glued or taped to the card). This will prevent pieces and parts from getting lost.
  • Please do not include your mailing address or e-mail address expecting a personal "thank you" from Sean.
  • You may use your real name if you want.
  • If you have a twitter handle he may recognize, feel free to add that.
  • If you wish to receive confirmation that your card was received by Sean Central, add a legible e-mail address to the card via a sticky note (so it can be removed easily). We will attempt to send you a quick e-mail upon receipt of the card.
  • Cards will be opened and removed from their mailing envelopes to make life a bit easier for Sean. If this makes you uncomfortable, do not send a card to Sean Central as it WILL get opened. Please know that the Sorter is a Social Worker and understands confidentiality. The cards will not be examined, read or copied, they will be sorted and organized only.
  • Cards must be received at the P.O. Box no later than February 1st to allow enough time to process them and get them ready for the giving.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, you may comment on this post or send a message via the  Contact Me button on the left.
Cards should be mailed to:
Sean Central
P.O. Box 894
Devils Lake ND 58301

See fans' participation in Sean's 41st birthday here!


  1. Sean, I used to make you birthday cakes when I was a young teen. February 25th was like a holiday at my house. I only recently stopped. Kidding!!!!!!!! I THINK you were my favorite ;) ;) I'm petty sure BOP magazine named me an honorary buyer; don't worry,I gave you alllll the credit!!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!

    1. So where's the cake? I'd like chocolate please! ;-)
