
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sean Astin at Toronto Comic Con Day 1

As aways at the cons, Sean signed autographs, and hugged, chatted and posed with fans. Many photos ensued!


©Getty Images
Behind the table. Photo by @ChristinaBWho

Photo by Laura Lawson

©Getty Images

Sean with the Pettit Hobbits, photo by me.

Photo by @ChristinaBWho


Sean with fellow #run3rd captains Christina Boulard, Linda Iroff and Laura Lawson

He did a Q&A session, leading the audience in a Harlem Shake experience! (Video from Q&A here, Harlem Shake here.)

©Bargain Betty on Flickr

©Bargain Betty on Flickr

More Q&A photos from here.

And he also took some time out for media interviews during which he was photographed from every angle!

Photo by me

Photo by @ChristinaBWho

Photo by me
Sean was also interviewed by a caped crusader. Photo by me

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