
Friday, November 2, 2012

Sean talks Cabin Fever and more on Dominican radio

Photo by @OrSan
Sean was a guest on 12y2 radio show hosted by Sergio Carlo and Karina Larrauri in the Dominican Republic today. Much of the interview is in Spanish, but some is in English.

Sean talks about his costars in Cabin Fever: Patient Fever, and described his character: the only person immune to the effects of a deadly flesh-eating disease. Researchers capture (Sean's word!) him to study him in an effort to find a cure. Sean described a scene he filmed the evening before, of wading in a giant water tank filled with dead bodies. As he was filming in a cave set, he started subconsciously singing the aria from The Goonies to himself! He has been filming 13 hours a day.

Sean also answers questions from callers.

Here is his full interview:

The underground laboratory set.

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