
Friday, April 27, 2012

ForceCast interview with Sean at C2E2

Jason Swank and Jimmy "Mac" McInerney of, a Star Wars focused podcast site, interviewed Sean at C2E2 two weeks ago. They talked in depth about the expected topics: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Rudy and Goonies, but some unexpected anecdotes and tidbits came out!

It's a great interview!

Listen here. Sean's interview starts at about 27:30. Stay for the post interview discussion of #run3rd and Sean's autobiography "There and Back Again: An Actor's Tale"!


  1. It is a terrific interview!! As always, God bless him for his honesty. It really was very interesting and fun. He made me laugh several times. LOVED how he "hooked" his girls into watching Star Wars and I loved the reaction of the hosts to Sean's book.

    1. It's a wonderful interview. You so seldom hear new stuff from old topics! It's an interview I'll listen to again!

      Heh, he's a smart dad, using reverse psychology on the girls!
