
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sean's Friday night Q&A

Here is the full text of the Q&A Sean posted Friday, February 3.

Ok, here’s the deal... Y’all are my LOYALS. Thank you for that!!! It looks like #askyourquestionsnow has about 150 mostly fantastic questions (kidding they’re all great-sort of). I’m going to scroll through and answer a bunch of them.

If your question doesn’t get answered or you have new ones, by all means keep ‘em coming. We’ll do more again later. I’m planning a solid real time Q&A in a little while.

Here we go...

Q: Hot hot ARE the fires of Mordor?
A: Hot enough to melt the enamel off a quilty man’s soul. K, it wasn’t the heat that freaked us out, Mt. Ruapehu (spelling?) is active and shook frequently.

Q: Do you like sushi?
A: Yes, I love it!!! Don’t know the names, I just point.
Q: Were the ‘Brace of Coney’s’ in TTT real?
A: We used gross rubbery ones and their were real skins around as well...yuck...

Q: Will you visit Barcelona, Spain soon?
A: I would love to come back. The Gaudi and Picasso Museums blew us away! No plans yet though.

Q: White Water Summer.-Did you do all your own stunts?
A: Of course, I always do all of my own stunts...NOT, I did get to do lots of rock climbing and white water stuff... and dangling from bridges...My stunt double was a girl with ripped arms...made me look good :-)

Q: Safe Passage-Why were u so hesitant to give the puppies the shots?
A: Hello, they were PUPPIES...I wanted to give them treats...nothing like being hated by puppies...

Q: Do you have any critters of your own?
A: We had to give the Oliphant back, it’s poop was too much to handle.

Q: Would you recommend carbo loading on Lembas bread the night before the marathon?
A: Hmm, I think you’d carbo load on lembas bread a week or more before the marathon. Of course it tastes like baking soda in film land, yuck!

Q: Can I Please NOT go to school today?
A: You are an Astin, REPRESENT...get to school!!!

Q: What were the best years of your life?
A: 1971, 1985, 1989, 1991, 1996, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2012...probably others :-) ask again in 20yrs.

Q: Any Regrets? 
A: Yes.

Q: Have you ever been to Sicily?
A: I’ve been all over Italy...the closest to Sicily is sailing between, enjoying Toarmina (spelling?) Beautiful...

*Note, this is not me in disguise :-)
Q: If offered a major movie w/great director but asked to gain 30lbs, would you do it again?
A: You said you’d ask a tough question...mean!!!! I might. I know how to lose it easier’d have to be really great. I’ve always said that the magic comes when the right part comes along for the right actor at just the right that standard...I could get big again... Who knows, it might just happen anyway...course I have something to say about that...I #run3rd for fitness and body image health as well

Q: If you could guest star in any current tv show, what would it be?
A:TEASER: I just signed on today to guest on a great show... Not sure if I’m allowed to say what it is yet. Just wait 30 seconds, seanastinfan will figure it out :-)

Q: What’s your expected finish time for the LA Marathon?
A: Well, with all of the movies and tv shows I’ve done, besides my family who I mostly keep separate from my twitter life, talking about running (shocking) is my favorite thing to do.

I would love more than anything to finish sub-4. I did the Tink 1⁄2 in 1:59:08... I don’t think it’s likely... I’m getting faster and stronger day by day, but I think the sand is going to run out of the hour glass by race day, before I’m there... I think an ambitious guess is 4:13...I’ll make a formal goal and prediction in the days and hours leading up to the race. Thanks for asking.

I really appreciate the energy you’ve been kicking out.
Q: What song on your running playlist would surprise people?
A: I asked folks over a week ago for suggestions. It’s been a fun and cumbersome process to go through and listen to all of them and buy a bunch. I actually had about 75% of the suggestions in my rotation.

Today, was the first time I ran with my new hardware...tease...(when we get to 16k followers, I post a picture and review). Anyhow, I ran with a different piece of music equipment as well. I ran a 10k in 55:38...for the run I put 1h worth of songs that came strictly from my twitter friends:
15 songs: Medicate, Rudie Can’t Fail, This is Why We Fight, When I’m Up I can’t get down, Run to the hills, Running on Empty, What Do you Want, Pain, Is it any Wonder, You get what you give, Running up that hill, walk this way (already had this one), Gratisfaction, Come Sail Away (don’t mock I had this one too), Runnin’ with the Devil...

Thanks everyone for your suggestions, they rocked...

Another rockstar in AstinNation (first time I’ve used that phrase so comfortably) Thanks for all you do!!!
Q: Can you name any well known roles you’ve turned down?
A: Nope. I’ve never Turned down a part that went on to score big...lost out to tons like River Pheonix in Stand By Me...He is the ONLY person who could have played that part. Good actor lesson to learn.

Q: Anything about you that would surprise others?
A: I get really grumpy, more often than is good. I had that pretty well on twitter.

Q: Do you “run” in your sleep?
A: Yep, like our dog ‘flip’ I can be observed twitching and biting mail carriers

OK, there are at least a half dozen other regular Sean Astin tweeter peeps that have asked questions I want to answer, but I’m out of time. I’m going to try and figure out how to link this to...wait for it... That’s right, I went to Go and registered it, BAM!!!

Thank you LOYALS See you back on Twitter!!!!!


  1. Oh my gosh! What a great Q & A. Sean was so honest and so so funny. Loved it! "Seanastinfan
    *Note, this is not me in disguise :-)" *giggle*
    But it was also sobering. "KirstenPrice
    Q: Any Regrets? A: Yes." The only question he did not elaborate on. Thank you, Sean, once again for your honesty. Bless your heart.

    1. I laughed so hard when I saw him denying we were the same!!!

      Yes we all have regrets. But there is so much more to look forward to!
