
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sean runs Tinker Bell Half Marathon in under 2 hours!

Sean finished the 13.1 mile (~21K) Tinker Bell Half Marathon in Anaheim CA with an unofficial chip time of 1:59:08 for a 9:27 pace.

His splits were 29:41/59:49/1:28:10 for 5K/10K/15K.

Well done, Sean! We're proud of you!

Sean wearing medal in post-race tent. Photo by @datachick


  1. Amazing, Sean!! Great times! So very, very proud of you!! Really hope more photos are forth coming.

    Thanks, SeanAstinFan, for the updates on the race and all the other goodies you post on our Mr. Astin. It is so very much appreciated!!

  2. Woohoo!! Proud indeed!! That is an awesome time!!

    Thanks for the results and the pic!!

  3. Heidi, he really did great! He had "negative splits" which means he ran faster the second half of the race. This is a Very Good Thing for marathoners! :-)

    Thank you, I love this hobby! :-D

  4. Ellen, it was so much fun to see the live results online. Almost as good as being there, except I couldn't wave a sign for him! ;-)
