
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sean wins Best Actor award at NYII Film & Video Festival

Sean won a Best Actor award for his performance as the Father in Clay Beabout's "Deep Blue Breath" at the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival last month. The film itself also won Best Short Film.

Deep Blue Breath has been shown at over 20 film festivals around the country, and has also won a Best Young Actor award for Clay at the Action on Film Festival, Best Short Film at the Independent's Film Festival, and Best Creative Media Film at the Poppy Jasper Film Festival.

In 2009, both Sean Astin and Elijah Wood worked with the Make a Film Foundation to help then 11-year old Clay with his film. MAFF teams film industry professionals with children who have been diagnosed with critical or life-threatening medical conditions in order to help them create short film legacies. More info on Sean's and Elijah's roles, and on how to get the movie and help MAFF are here.

You can like MAFF on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

Sean Astin and Clay Beabout


  1. Wow!! Congratulations to both Sean and Clay!! (praeriedikter)

  2. P, its wonderful to see those who put their hearts into this get recognition.
