
Friday, April 26, 2013

Sean Astin interviewed by film students from Salt Lake City Community College

Sean Astin took some time from his busy filming schedule on The Freemason to meet with Warren Workman and his film students from the Salt Lake City Community College. The students had the opportunity to ask Sean questions about a variety of topics from his favorite role, to what he likes most about working on set, to the problems in juggling career and family. They videoed his responses for Filmed in Utah.

Watch all seven interviews below.
Mayra Garcia asks Sean Astin about his favorite role. Surprise appearance by Freemason costar Randy Wayne!

Evan Laihipp asks Sean Astin how he keeps motivated in film even when discouraging moments arise.

Elizabeth Barton asks Sean Astin about how he got started in acting, and Sean answers the question on what kind of role he'd like to do.

Sean tells Mayella Krause a story no one knows about his experiance on the set of "The Goonies."

Armin Hasovic asks Sean what his favorate part of being on set is.

Sean discusses how he juggles being a full time actor and full time dad with John Corisis.

Sean Astin's advice to all filmmakers.

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