
Monday, April 22, 2013

Sean Astin at the Vancouver Sun Run 10K

While in town for the Fan Expo Vancouver, Sean took the time to participate in the Vancouver Sun Run 10K.

Click here for a video from British Columbia CTV News.

Sean chatted with Christy Clark, the Premier of British Columbia and an avowed Lord of the Rings fan.

He was interviewed by the media.

He posed for a "selfie" self portrait in front of Canada Place, location for the Fan Expo.

He took photos with many fans and fellow runners.

Sean with fellow #Run3rd Team Members Odette Gauthier, Sarah Eastman and Sarah Diamond.

And of course, he ran. His time for the 10K was 54:34, an 8:46 minutes/mile pace.

Sean is interviewed by the Vancouver Sun, appearing in this video at about :38.

He also appears briefly at approximately 2:00 in each of these videos.

From Global News: Sun Run Remembers Boston.

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